Natural Beginnings Perinatal Classes
Pregnancy - Natural Birth - Breastfeeding - Parenting
My statistics show with 545 Birth Class Students over the last 27 years:
91.5% (499) delivered vaginally
8.5% (46) delivered by cesarean
Clients gave birth in the following choice of location:
60% (321) In Hospital 32% (183) At Birth Center 8% (41) At Home
80% (399) - of our vaginal birth deliveries had no medications
20% (109) - of mothers used medication (for labor/delivery/repair)
Natural Beginnings’ records show, of our clients with midwife attended
births, 95% had vaginal births. (whether hospital, home, or birth center)
97% of midwife attended vaginal deliveries had no meds for labor or birth
Midwifery care lays the foundation for unmedicated labors & births.
Evidence shows ‘untrained birthing couples’ have increased pain,
incidence of interventions, medication use & higher cesarean rates.
Breastfeeding - Baby Care Class
Your Birth - Your Way